Abby McHaffie

  • Registered Occupational Therapist with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario (COTO).
  • Professional development includes courses in cognitive behavioural therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing, and the progressive goal attainment program (PGAP).
  • Master of Science in Occupational Therapy from Western University.
  • Honours Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from McMaster University.
  • A member of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) and Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists (OSOT).

Abby in her own words…

I am a swimmer, rock climber, dog-mom, and outdoor enthusiast. I find the water particularly calming. There is something about being underwater with no other distractions that is so therapeutic! I am also a very big family person and enjoy exploring new places with my spouse and fur baby. When we can’t get outdoors, we enjoy trying different board games. So far, a few of my favourites are Settlers of Catan, Wingspan, and Azul, but I am also happy to run around Gumdrop Mountain to find King Kandy!

I became an occupational therapist for many reasons, but primarily because I appreciate the holistic lens in which we practice under. I thoroughly enjoy problem solving with my clients to enable participation in their daily activities. It is a privilege to work in a profession that focuses on occupational engagement as a pathway to wellbeing and observing the positive impact engagement has on individual’s lives. I am dedicated to implementing an evidence-informed, person-centred approach to working with my clients to promote participation in their meaningful occupations.

Currently, I am interested in furthering my knowledge in chronic pain and persistent post-concussive syndrome. I am also especially interested in working with the paediatric population.